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Friday, April 12, 2013

swolder status

hello there friends!

did y'all read Diane's post on gymin' ladies? i must admit that i have no knowledge of swole-dering (swole for those of you outside of the south is getting buff), but i do from time-to-time leave my computer long enough do a sit-up or two. (not. i fucking hate sit ups. you either love my belly or get-da-fuck-outta-here.)

i agree with D that no woman should have to feel uncomfortable at the gym, and should be able to get her swole on wherever she wants. i'm a climber, so my gyms are usually filled with a different crowd (though there are definitely some nose-to-the-sky folks too) of stick-thin men who work out against working out. they're anti-swole, bearded, sensitive men and the female-to-male ratio at most climbing gyms is pretty even because, well, women are awesome. why not have gaggles of them nearby?

and while we're on the topic of fitness -- would love to know more about your clean eating, D. if i am not mistaken, i believe our Lady D follows a paleo diet and is an avid crossfitter -- two things that i hear are male-dominant. Would be great to hear more about the gender gap in those crowds too.

i'm curious, what's everyone else's gym like? or if you don't go to the gym (good for you), how do you keep healthy (my answer: eating poorly and aging badly).

as for what she wrote about being afraid of me, well, what can i say:

i'd be intimidated of me too. 

See you next thursday,


  1. At the moment, my spring basketball leagues are in season. So my workout routine goes something like this:

    Monday: Spring Basketball League #1
    Tuesday: 24 Hour Fitness - Body Pump Class
    Wednesday: If Spring Basketball League #2 is on a Wednesday, I go play. Otherwise, an off day
    Thursday: Spring Basketball League #2 (if Thursday) or 24 Hour Body Pump
    Friday: 24 Hour Fitness Body Combat
    Saturday: Officiate Youth Basketball and play pickup
    Sunday: Day Off or play basketball if there is a run that day.

    The 24 Hour I go to is in downtown and a big mix of guys / girls. There are plenty of girls in my classes though I notice most people don't really socialize. I'm pretty friendly so it's weird that no one wants to talk to anyone.

  2. Don't go to the gym. Just try running.

    You'll save money. Cost? Not a single penny

    I paid over $2000 on a membership at Bally Fitness and they totally tried to screw me over by charging pass what they'd say they'd charge. Had I discovered the activity of running the track, I would've spent $0 and achieved my goal twice faster.

    If you find a track and field, I recommend running or jogging for 1-2 hours each day. Set to finish a # of laps and give yourself a time limit.

    My standard is a 20 lap run almost every day when I can access the local college's track and field.

    Try running. It's not too bad to thug it out because it's really worth it. It's a confidence booster!


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