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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Another Ignorant Article about "Asian Privilege"

So I decided to make my debut back as a blogger merely 1 hour ago because I was dealing with incompetent people and decided to take a break before I punched a bitch in the throat, but that’s not the point. I wanted to touch base on an article I read earlier this morning titled “Tackling Asian Privilege,” an author’s sad attempt at satire, which in turn received even sadder responses from racist pricks.

Quite frankly, I’m tired of reading shit like this. I become an angry bear, no one wants to associate with me for the rest of the day, then I cry in a dark corner with some emo music playing. I’m tired of white people (not all, mind you, but articles like this have been penned by a majority of white individuals) writing shitty articles like this, thinking they know everything there is to know about a community of color and making assumptions about us and our experiences. Not to mention, this article is ripe with insinuations that Asian people are better than other people of color out there, and stupid ass, gullible and close-minded people will believe that. This just continues to perpetuate the notion that we are the “model minority” when really it is the complete opposite. Let’s go over a couple of points: 

  1. “These arrogant Orientals flaunt the racist moniker “model minority.” As a people, these Asians need to recognize they got to where they are not by the virtue of hard work but by stepping on the backs of others.”
First off, the word “oriental” is used to describe a motherfucking object, say a rug. Last time I remember, we weren’t objects but people. And if you’re still using “oriental” to refer to Asian people, then you need to get your ass whooped. You think we got where we are by stepping on the backs of others? If you disaggregate the various groups with the Asian American community, you would know that Vietnamese, Laos, Hmong, and Cambodians (Southeast Asians) are overwhelmingly among those who live in poverty along with blacks, Latinos, etc. They also have the highest drop-out rates of any ethnic group in the education system; when it comes to mental health, high suicide rates are also prevalent in these communities. But no one gives a shit about them or even cares to question it. This type of ignorance is shameful and reveals the system of oppression we struggle with.
  1.     “Asian American success has been awarded to them arbitrarily and it’s up to us to take back the power and eradicate this unearned system of advantage. We need to transform society to the point where privilege is not slanted in anyone’s favor.”
You wanna talk privilege eh? Let’s talk about white privilege then. It doesn’t take much to see that privilege is ascertained to white individuals, or people who look white. Being white is the norm here . White privilege is about having benefits or advantages that people of color less likely will experience; whites do not have to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, racial profiling, presumptions of intelligence or competency, etc. Whites are more likely to accumulate wealth than other people of color. White people dominate senior level positions within corporations while Asian Americans run into a “bamboo” ceiling. Higher education institutions cater to a predominantly white population. Issues pertaining to the AAPI community are invisible. Hell, even hate crimes are committed against Asian Americans/Asians and the ramifications are minor at best. A white person can do whatever he/she wants and no one even thinks twice. Shit, if that isn’t privilege, then what the hell is?

So yes, I’m sick and tired of hearing this shit over and over.  I may have kirked off too much in this blog entry, but I get really emotional about these types of issues. Or maybe I’m just acting out against my own stereotype of being the quiet, innocent Asian girl everyone perceives me to be. Fuck that. We have a voice and it needs to be heard.



  1. 2 points:

    1.) Only "Asian-Americans" find "Oriental" to be offensive (and this negative perception of the word by Asian-Americans only started in the last couple of decades). All other English-speaking East Asians all over the world happily use "Oriental" as a label. "Oriental" has always only meant "eastern" just as "occidental" has meant "western" (and this isn't Euro-centric, since they are generally referred to as the Occident/Western Civ). It's not exclusive to objects or people.

    2.) I didn't get how you acknowledge that the piece was satirical, but then still critiqued it at face-value. It is a fairly obvious attempt at satire, so that means it's meant to illustrate NOT-Asian Privilege. Whether his intent was to make fun of "white privilege" or to poke holes in the negative stereotypes of Asians, it's pretty clear he's ANYTHING BUT anti-Asian.

    Obvious points that he's being ironic:

    A.) the Hiroshima events were listed as "opportunities to rebuild" (yes, maybe not classy, but still obviously satirical)
    B.) his link to "Asian Power" was a news site about power plants in Asia.
    C.) everybody knows Asian-Americans hate being called "model minority" but he says that they flaunt that label.

    Conclusion: whether or not he should have written the article in this way is debatable, but again, I think it should be safe to say it's not racist/anti-Asian.

  2. Hey Diane - Don't think I've read anything you've posted. I was reading when Melissa was posting but interesting points. I'd read the article more and comment next time. How is Melissa? Seems like she disappeared off the map!

  3. Huanger,

    I consider myself an Asian American and find "Oriental" to be offensive. That wasn't a blanket statement and the purpose of this entry was to explain my own views.

    Second, this article was very poorly written. The magazine is a right-leaning one and the audience it caters to tend to be more conservative. This attempt at satire, whether you perceive it to be NOT anti-Asian, is still offensive and ignorant.

    Furthermore, you're entitled to your own opinion; that's fine with me. The issue for me is the way this article was dismissed. It's an attempt at satire so therefore, it isn't racist/anti-Asian. I think that this type of response allows for these ignorant statements to be accepted and looked upon as a joke. I'm not the only one who found this offensive; many of my peers did so. In addition, you had racist people participating and commenting on the article so to a degree, many agreed with what was stated in this entry.

    I'll have to disagree with you that this article was NOT anti-Asian rather a poor attempt at satire and is one that is still very much racist and offensive.

  4. DCL,

    I think you commented on my post "Fetishes with Asian Women. Dislike." :) I welcome any comments on this article since it seems like the aspect of satire is controversial. Melissa is doing great! All three of us went through a hiatus so I haven't been able to keep in contact with her as much as I would like but I'll let her know you said hi!

  5. Diane - Good memory. I didn't remember commenting as it seemed Melissa was writing for the longest time. :)

    I read the article that was linked and I have to say I'm not a fan of it either. I'll comment more later but I don't think there's such thing as "Asian Privilege". In fact, the positives of "Asians" are subject to interpretation. Whites leverage "Asians" against Blacks / Hispanics as how "hard working" people can succeed. Blacks / Hispanics look down at Asians for the reverse reasons.

  6. Um.... you realize that article really has nothing to do with Asians right? The article was just talking about Asian people in order to take attention away from making fun of black people. And it's about how black people could have achieved anything that any other race did if they got their act together.



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