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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

i was told i am blogging wrong

hello there (again), dear interwebz.
i am sorry that i have left you for so long to rot in cyberspace. it may have crossed my mind to abandon ship and never speak of you again -- but like so many of my other intimate relationships, i have come crawling back, perhaps while drunk but most definitely seeking validation.

i won a contest you see, and the prize was online branding consulting. yes, this is the world we live in: gone are the days when trivia night prizes consist of something cool like fake poo to leave on your coworkers chair or a subway gift certificate; instead, i won an hour to pick the brain of one of them skinny white guys who wears glasses and begin each conversation with 'i work at a start up.'

except, i didn't wield any online branding tools with which i could pick his brain, only a giant ax i use from time-to-time to cut activities i deem extraneous when feeling lazy -- like this blog (but only for a bit ... i am sorry).

so when he kicked off my hour-long prize with 'i work at a start up. ask me anything.' i said 'if you were a dinosaur, who would you eat first?' and after he refused to come up with an answer worth remembering, i said 'i have a blog. the last entry was 6 months ago, and the subject was how i failed at life,' defeated and lamenting the long-gone possibility of freaking out my coworker with fake poo.

that's when he told me i was blogging wrong. in order to build up a strong online presence, i need to post consistently -- at least twice a week, he said. and since i hate to be wrong in anything -- absolutely anything -- and that that was the only advice i remember from the shitty hour-long prize, i will attempt to blog right and post consistently.

though because i am rebellious, but really just lazy, i will post once a week on thursdays. today is tuesday but i am breaking schedule to tell you that i will post every thursday. the quality of the posts are tba.

see you thursday.



  1. Looking forward to your weekly know you have fans right? Keep us entertained. No pressure.


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