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Thursday, July 05, 2012

houston's abuzz y'all

Wednesday's paper

this is what i, and the rest of houston, woke up to this morning! be still our hearts, could it be that big money j is coming to the H...again? i remember last time he was with the rockets, i was talking to my brother about getting season tickets but then, as we all know, he was cut after only 12 days or so.

here's the above article from the Houston Chronicle, and another stating the Rockets will offer Lin a contract anddddd here's some ESPN speculation on the offer.

i hope he accepts because we all know i love me some jeremy lin, and there's a huge asian american community down here in houston ready and willing to support the young point guard---you hear me, j? we're here and we are loudddd. 

in other news, sorry for the silence on here lately. Diane and Doug are off doing cool things that hopefully they'll share with us on here soon (please?) and i am, unfortunately, typing with one hand because i fell 10 feet while bouldering, not fun. real life ruins everything! 

--update-- lin accepts rockets offer sheet!! will the knicks match it?



  1. What's Up M?

    Looking at the picture explains why things have been quiet on your end! I tweeted a message to you just now but I can share here too. I was just happening to think that I hadn't seen a new video in a while. Plus I hadn't checked the blog in a while (been super busy).

    Glad you're excited about JLin possibility coming into Houston but the chances are slim (closer to none) that New York lets him go.

    THe good news is that he won the ESPY Breakthrough Athlete Of The Year. On a stage where athletes are usually white or black, it was good to see an Asian face. He also had an interview with someone where he said "Asian athletes should be "respected".

    I have a feeling you may post a blog about that at some point. :) Hope you get well soon.


  2. OTOH - the internet is abuzz that the Knicks are pursuing a sign and trade for another PG (Raymond Felton). You may get your wish of Linsanity to TX.


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